Having served magic and magicians in NYC for over 15 years we now have moved to the web. Magicians who performed at the Magic Towne House include Just a few of the magicians who got much of their early start at The Magic Towne House includes Robert Baxt, Michael Chaut, Devlin, Eric DeCamps, Imam, Jeff Justice, Peter Kougasian, Landis & Company, Levent, Jeff McBride, Charlie Mount, Otto and George, Johnny Ace Palmer, Joeseph Pepitone, Joe Raven, David Regal, Rocco Silano, Peter Samelson, Meir Yedid and countless others including Bobby Baxter, Harry Blackstone, Jr., Milbourne Christopher, Daryl, Fantasio, Frank Garcia, Walter B. Gibson, Wesley James, Presto Earl Johnson, Lou Lancaster, Jack London, Bill McQueen, Max Mavin (Phil Goldstein), Ben Robinson, James Randi, Richard Robinson, David Roth, George Schindler, Slydini and countless others..
Location |
1026 Third Avenue, New York, New York, USA |
Website | |
Closed |
Operating season |
The Magic Towne House
The Magic Towne House was a well known magic show spot on three floors at 1026 Third Avenue, north of 60th Street, New York City in the 1970s and 1980's. It was in the posh area of the upper East side of Manhattan on Third Avenue and 61st Street just next to Bloomingdale's Department Store. It was a venue for adults in the cabaret as well as having a children's theater for patrons of all ages to see and enjoy magic.
The Magic Towne House[1] became a popular magic show spot in New York City, which had the longest continuous running magic shows in New York City in history. For fifteen years it showcased both new and established magicians to the general public.
It was headed up by [2]world class magicians Dorothy Dietrich and Dick Brooks" Dick Brooks (entertainer) and Ray Carter)."
According to William Dorfliinger's book "The Magic Catalogue" a 242 page book published by Dutton: [3]
The Mystical Magic Towne House featured New York's cleverest close-up magicians, arranged gala children's birthday parties, and a modern magic shop. It is the brainchild of two young magicians Ray Carter (AKA Dick Brooks (entertainer) and Dick Brooks) and Dorothy Dietrich who operate it and sometimes appear on its programs... Dorothy Dietrich, who hails from Erie, Pennsylvania, is one of the East's most active lady magicians. She does general magic, dove productions, even straitjacket escapes. Her partner, Ray Carter (Dick Brooks) performs a wide range of magic effects also, and is well known for his demonstrations of ESP and mind reading. The Towne House is a discovery for magic lovers and the parents of magic lovers"
Dick Brooks Dick Brooks (entertainer) and Ray Carter) and Dorothy Dietrich were "involved in the management and direction of all its activities. [4]
One of the goals of the establishment, after it was taken over from Eddie Davis who opened it for the first year, was to develop future generations of magicians. Taken over by two professional performers, Dick Brooks (entertainer) and Dorothy Dietrich they allowed anyone to perform who wanted to in the clubs lineup after the main performers did their turn. Just a few of the magicians who got much of their early start at The Magic Towne House includes Robert Baxt, Michael Chaut, Devlin, Eric DeCamps, Imam, Jeff Justice, Peter Kougasian, Landis & Company, Levent, Jeff McBride, Charlie Mount, Otto and George, Johnny Ace Palmer, Joeseph Pepitone, Joe Raven, David Regal, Rocco Silano, Peter Samelson, Meir Yedid and countless others.
Established performers of the era also performed there such as Bobby Baxter, Harry Blackstone, Jr., Milbourne Christopher, Daryl, Fantasio, Frank Garcia, Walter B. Gibson, Earl Presto Johnson, Lou Lancaster, Jack London, Bill McQueen, Max Mavin (Phil Goldstein), Ben Robinson, James Randi, Richard Robinson, Wesley James, David Roth, Darwin Ortiz George Schindler, Slydini and countless others. Imam would, after several years, break away and form his own competing club downtown in Greenwich Village.
Opening a magic show spot in New York City was a dream of legendary magicians Houdini, Thurston and Doug Henning, and this was finally accomplished with the vision of Eddie Davis, Dorothy Dietrich and Dick Brooks (entertainer) and the help of many who worked this venue. Dick Brooks also searched out Brother Theodore, whose career had waned, to do several seasons of midnight shows, and helped to bring him back to prominence that led to Theodore appearing on The Tom Snyder Tomorrow Show and a long series of TV and movie appearances. A picture of the Magic Towne House ad that appeared in local New York newspapers such as the Village Voice and The New York post can be found at
Upon the closing of the Magic Towne House, Michael Chaut and Peter Samelson would later develop "Monday Night Magic" along with Frank Brents, Todd Robbins, and Jamy Ian Swiss, which still runs successfully in New York City.
- ^ "Magic Towne House".
- ^ Samantha Hart (2000). The Hollywood Walk of Fame. Crybaby Books and Entertainment, 598, 599.
- ^ Dorflinger, William. The Magic Catalogue. New York: E. P. Dutton, 227. ISBN 0-87690-272-7 and 0-87690-273-5.
- ^ Severn, William. Bill Severn's Guide to Magic as a Hobby. New York: David McKay Company, 97. ISBN 0-679-51201-2 and 0-679-51202-0.
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Lectures and shows by magicians such as Bill Abbott,
David Acer,
Allan Ackerman,
Don Alan,
Jay Alexander,
Scott Alexander,
Harry Allen,
Jon Allen,
Mark Allen,
Michael Ammar,
Andy Amyx,
Bill Anderson,
Gene Anderson,
Carl Andrews,
Jerry Andrus,
Criss Angel,
Lee Asher,
Joseph Atmore,
John Bannon,
Joel Bauer,
Guy Bavli,
Larry Becker,
Sixten Beme,
Jay Scott Berry,
Ross Bertram,
Jun-Luc Bertrand,
Mathieu Bich,
Harry Blackstone Jr.,
David Blaine,
Chappy Brazil,
Doug Brewer,
Dan & Dave Buck,
Geoffrey Buckingham,
Eugene Burger,
Corey Burke,
Chan Canasta,
E. Raymond Carlyle,
John Carney,
Harrison J. Carroll,
Phil Cass,
Peter Cassford,
Bob Cassidy,
Capaso Casino,
Rick Castro,
Lonnie Chevrie,
Tony Clark,
Michael Close,
Carl Cloutier,
James Coats,
Aldo Colombini,
David Copperfield,
John Cornelius,
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Paul Cummins,
Luke Dancy,
Mark Daniel,
Paul Daniels,
Lance DeLong,
Dean Dill,
Tom Dobrowolski,
Wayne Dobson,
Yves Doumergue,
Steve Draun,
Sumit Dua,
Dominique Duvivier,
Lee Earle,
Doc Eason,
Peter Eggink,
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Henry Evans,
Falkenstein & Willard,
Chuck Fayne,
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Lubor Fiedler,
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Aaron Fisher,
Cody Fisher,
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Flicking Fingers,
Bob Fitch,
Karrell Fox,
Tom Frank,
James Freedman,
Dennis Friebe,
Charlie Frye,
Jahn Gallo,
Andrew Galloway,
Dan Garrett,
Brian Geer,
Paul Gertner,
Nathan Gibson,
Roberto Giobbi,
Bill Goldman,
Lennart Green,
Paul Green,
John Guastaferro,
Jean-Philippe Halm,
Bro. John Hamman,
Dan Harlan,
Cyril Harvey,
Terry Herbert,
Tony Hassini,
Karl Hein,
Docc Hilford,
Jeff Hobson,
Troy Hooser,
Dave Hudspath,
Eric James,
Joshua Jay,
Mark Jenest,
Larry Jennings,
Luke Jermay,
Finn Jon,
Bruce Kalver,
Curtis Kam,
Richard Kaufman,
Fernando Keops,
Kevin King,
Steve Kirchner,
Roger Klause,
Bob Kohler,
Kirk Kokinos,
Chris Korn,
Ray Kosby,
Nate Kranzo,
Jim Krenz,
Patrik Kuffs,
Duane Laflin,
RenÈ Lavand,
Jon LeClair,
Ted Lesley,
Mark Leveridge,
Martin Lewis,
Trevor Lewis,
Dennis Loomis,
Alex Lourido,
Harry Lorayne,
Olivier Macia,
Bill Malone,
Dustin D. Marks,
Edward Marlo,
Rich Marotta,
Jay Marshall,
Mark Mason,
Max Maven,
Michael Maxwell,
Andrew Mayne,
Jeff McBride,
Reed McClintock,
Billy McComb,
Tomas Medina,
Barry Mitchell,
Maxime Montier,
Manuel Muerte,
Tom Mullica,
James Munton,
Andrew Murray,
Martin A. Nash,
Earl Nelson,
Russ Niedzwiecki,
Karl Norman,
Alain Nu,
Andy Nyman,
Shoot Ogawa,
Darwin Ortiz,
Richard Osterlind,
Gary Ouellet,
Jim Pace,
Patrick Page,
Dan Paulus,
Thomas Peterson,
Petrick & Mia,
Dex Poinjestra,
Etienne Pradier,
Gaston Quieto,
Mark Raffles,
Chris Randall,
David Regal,
Rodney Reyes,
Quentin Reynolds,
Joe Rindfleisch,
Apollo Robbins,
Richard Robinson,
John Rogers,
David Roth,
Marvyn Roy,
Michael Rubinstein,
Richard Sanders,
Martin Sanderson,
Jay Sankey,
J.J. Sanvert,
Al Schneider,
Ken Scott,
Syd Segal,
Bob Sheets,
Jeff Sheridan,
Tim Shoesmith,
John Shryock,
Steve Shufton,
Michael Skinner,
Rick Smith, Jr.,
Marc Spelmann,
Steve Spill,
Todd Strong,
Sanuel Patrick Smith,
Russ Stevens,
David Solomon,
David Stone,
Sol Stone,
Jamy Ian Swiss,
Dan Sylvester,
Juan Tamariz,
Garrett Thomas,
Johnny Thompson,
Scott Tokar,
Arthur Tracz,
Brian Tudor,
Eddie Tullock,
Dan Turcotte,
Richard Turner,
Diamond Jim Tyler,
Jean-Pierre Vallarino,
Stephane Vanel,
Dai Vernon,
J.C. Wagner,
Randy Wakeman,
Dan Watkins,
Ned Way,
Jeff Wessmiller,
Fielding West,
Jason Wethington,
Bob White,
Boris Wild,
David Williamson,
Gregory Wilson,
R. Paul Wilson,
Tommy Wonder,
Mike Wong,
Tim Wright,
Yuji Yasuda,
Meir Yedid,
John Zander,
and Herb Zarrow. All of whom would like their events known. Pllease note, in the effort not to leave some known names in magic out, some on the list may no longer be with us. They are interested in subjects such as, but no limited to Card Tricks,
Coin Tricks,
Closeup Magic,
Club/Stage Magic,
Street Magic,
Tables and Cases,
Magic Books,
Magic "Sets",
Magic Posters,
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Magic Books for Card, Coin, and General Magic,
Card Tricks,
Close-Up Magic Tricks,
Coin Tricks,
Fire Magic,
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Johnson Magic,
Kids Magic,
Mental Magic,
Magic Posters,
Rope Magic,
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Street Magic, etc.
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